Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Cleaning out excess weight

I'm trying to get rid of all the excess models I've collected over the last couple of days. Waaay to much. Here's a list and a link to an album that has photos of the items.

[Want] Cash/paypal or Dystopian War models/books.

[HAVE] I am not trying to turn a profit so any reasonable deal will be considered.

Pic 1 - 3 base coated metal orks. 2x rokkits, 1x big shoota.
Pic 2 - bits box (assorted everything.)
Pic 3 - 2x warbosses. Complete except the attack squig was removed (probably in the bits box though).
Pic 4 - metal heads, pouches & stikk bombs on sprue.
Pic 5 - venomthrope, complete
Pic 6 - mega armored nob + base. (Gift from Sekret Santa)
Pic 7 - Gorman Di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist - painted
Pic 8 & 9 - homemade terrain with alchemist barry
Pic 10 to 13 - base to a ork battle wagon. Very basic, formidable in size and very sturdy.
Pic 14 - complete boxes - Ork trukk, nid warriors, Throne of Judgement (metal), 2x Ork Nobs, Black orcs, Ork lootas, Lizard man Saurus warriors, old school box of ork boys, cygnar long gunners.
Pic 15 to 17 - World of Warcraft orc shaman partially converted to a counts as biotitan of some form.
Pic 18 to 20 - Imp Guard punisher. There are three separate models all completed to the same standard. (Purchased from someone)
Pic 21 & 22 - Khador attack dog attachment
Pic 23 & 24 - Sigvald the Magnificent with stormbolter. Painted.
Pic 25 - Cygnar tokens from GF9
Pic 26 - gnoblars. Heads included.
Pic 27 - misc ogre parts (arms, weapons, a couple of bodies, little metal booties, gut plates, etc.)
Pic 28 - stormboy torsos. Complete nob. Some rokkits (I might have the rest of the rokkits, but haven't come across them yet)
Pic 29 - assorted metal orks, some grots. One of these is the rarer gamesday nob with the spiked club. Ghazgul's torso and gobb. Couple of tank bustas.
Pic 30 - mekboy, grotskull & banner bearer (direct order). Mostly everything is painted.
Pic 31 & 32 - shoota boy mob. 17 boys with shootas, 2 boys with big shootas & nob. All painted.
Pic 33 - 3x kannons, one complete, one about a third done, one not started.
Pic 34 - 8x cyborks (sekret santa gift). All unique
Pic 35 - warboss, painted (lower standard than the rest of the models. He's old).
Pic 36 & 37 - Ghazghull, fully painted and sealed. A bit dusty but impressive. Not properly based.
Pic 38 & 39 - shokk attack gun, fully painted, sealed & based.
Pic 40 - big mek with KFF, painted & sealed.
Pic 41 - Cygnar starter set plus apprentice & Haley. All metal, all sealed & based. Deck of faction cards included.
Pic 42 - Cryx starter set (minus a chicken in the picture, if I can find it I'll included it) all metal and including cards. Painted, based & sealed.
Pic 43 - 12x termigants (painted & sealed), plus rippers and all the extra parts from the sprues (not painted though).
Pic 44 - Cygnar sentinal attachment (I think that's the name).
Pic 45 - the eldar swooping hawk exarch special character
Pic 46 - assorted ork parts - heads, arms, legs, weapons, AoBR parts, etc.
Pic 47 - blackreach warboss, he's complete just not all of it is pictured.
Pic 48 - pretty sure this goblin hero is one you get for subscribing to white dwarf. Received it in a trade at some point.
Pic 49 & 50 - 6x kopters, one painted well though not completely. All the parts are present and all of the models have been customized (sekret santa gift).
Pic 51 - 9x orks with similar themes (were gonna be evil suns mounted in a trukk).
Pic 52 - ork brass from forgeworld
Pic 53 - thieving grots (unopened).

Lemme Know.

Album of Pictures